
Deleting stuff is fun and helpful!

Debugging problems during software development can be frustrating, even if it's immensely rewarding once you eventually figure it out. This is especially true when reproducing the problem seemingly requires some complex dance through tons of other parts of the project. Frustration is further exacerbated when the language used is one you're still trying to master.

·Clayton Craft
Deleting stuff is fun and helpful!

Using gdb to inspect a crashing app

This is more or less a story about how one can attempt to debug an application crash by attaching to it with gdb and poking around, while resisting the urge to build the application manually. Such cases where this is useful might be when running something that takes a long time to compile, or which might have a complicated build system. It's easy to run into these situations when the system is relatively underpowered phone running Linux.

·Clayton Craft
Using gdb to inspect a crashing app